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mercredi 12 août 2009

Are You Ready To Grab Your Keys To... Autopilot Income?

Are You Ready To Grab Your Keys To...
Autopilot Income?

There's one thing we forgot to mention, and we're pretty sure you've asked yourself already...

Won't everyone get the same turnkey systems, making them less valuable?

And since we mention this, you can probably guess the answer...

It's a resounding no!

When you secure your Clickbank Pirate membership today, you'll get 5 of these turnkey packages + a new one every month.

But we have a whole lot more than 5 of these ready, and more getting done every day.

In fact we probably have a lot more than we really need, but only because we want to help you make as much money as possible - And less competition means more money in your pocket!

Sure there will be some overlap, but we have a pretty clever system in place

Won't bore you with the technical details of the algorithm...

But rest assured that only a very limited number of members will get the same turnkey packages, and never the same combination at the same time.

And all this will work to your advantage, because we just added an amazing extra feature!

We are going to give you the ability to easily track your turnkey squeeze page over unlimited traffic sources... You will get full conversion stats so you can see what works for you

But more importantly... We collect the system wide conversion stats on all the squeeze pages and use it to continuously improve your conversion rates. That's why some some overlap is actually best for you - because at the end of that day it will mean more money in your pocket.

If you do your own tracking and testing, you'll realise the immense power of a large scale test like this, where we collect data so fast that we can literally improve the pages on an hourly basis if needed

If you don't ... It's just one more of those things where you can sit back, relax and rest assured that we are doing all the hard work for you and optimizing your sites for better results.

As with everything else in Clickbank Pirate - This is designed to be as easy as possibly for you!

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